Critter Sheets

Critter Sheets are fun ways to learn about Florida's plants and animals. You can learn about native and invasive organisms (living things) found in Florida. Each sheet contains interesting facts and information about how you can help wildlife in your community. Additionally, there are coloring sheets to print or use on your favorite device with your favorite coloring app.

Native plants and animals are naturally found in Florida. They each perform a role in bringing balance to their natural communities.
American Alligator![]() |
American Kestrel![]() |
Anastasia Island Beach Mouse![]() |
Atlantic Horseshoe Crab![]() |
Bald Cypress![]() |
Bald Eagle![]() |
Barred Owl![]() |
Beach Dune Sunflower![]() |
Belted Kingfisher![]() |
Bison![]() |
Black-Necked Stilt![]() |
Black Skimmer![]() |
Blazing Star![]() |
Bluegill![]() |
Bobcat![]() |
Bottlenose Dolphin![]() |
Box Turtle![]() |
Brain Coral![]() |
Brazilian Free-Tailed Bat![]() |
Bromeliads![]() |
Brown Pelican![]() |
Butterflies![]() |
Butterfly Fish![]() |
Cabbage Palm![]() |
Cannonball Jelly![]() |
Coreopsis![]() |
Crayfish![]() Critter Sheet |
Diamondback Terrapin![]() |
Eastern Gray Squirrel![]() |
Eastern Pipistrelle![]() |
Eastern Screech Owl![]() |
Eastern Towhee![]() |
Eastern Spotted Skunk![]() |
Fiddler Crab![]() |
Firebush![]() |
Florida Apple Snail![]() |
Florida Black Bear![]() |
Florida Largemouth Bass![]() |
Florida Manatee![]() |
Florida Mangroves![]() |
Florida Mouse![]() |
Florida Panther![]() |
Florida Scrub Lizard![]() |
Florida Scrub Jay![]() |
Florida Torreya Tree![]() |
Gag Grouper![]() |
Gallberry![]() |
Ghost Crab![]() |
Ghost Orchid![]() |
Gopher Apple![]() |
Gopher Tortoise![]() |
Gray Fox![]() |
Great Blue Heron![]() |
Gulf Sturgeon![]() |
Highbush Blueberry![]() |
Least Tern![]() |
Limpkin![]() |
Live Oak![]() |
Loggerhead Sea Turtle![]() |
Longleaf Pine![]() |
Lubber Grasshopper![]() |
Lyonia Lucida![]() |
Lyre-Leaf Sage![]() |
Moon Jelly![]() |
Needlerush![]() |
Northern Bobwhite![]() |
Osprey![]() |
Parrot Fish![]() |
Pickerelweed![]() |
Pileated Woodpecker![]() |
Pine Lily![]() |
Raccoon![]() |
Railroad Vine![]() |
Red-Shouldered Hawk![]() |
Red-Tailed Hawk![]() |
Red Maple![]() |
Red-Winged Blackbird![]() |
Reindeer Moss![]() |
River Otter![]() |
Roseate Spoonbill![]() |
Royal Palm![]() |
Salt Marsh Cordgrass![]() |
Sandhill Crane![]() |
Saw Palmetto![]() |
Scrub Oak![]() |
Sea Grapes![]() |
Sea Oats![]() |
Sea Turtles![]() |
Seafan![]() |
Seaside Oxeye![]() |
Sheepshead![]() |
Sheepshead Minnow![]() Critter Sheet |
Sherman's Fox Squirrel![]() |
Snakes![]() |
Snowy Plover![]() |
Southeastern Beach Mouse![]() |
Southeastern Five-Lined Skink![]() |
Southern Magnolia![]() |
Southern Stingray![]() |
Southern Red Cedar![]() |
Southern Toad![]() |
Star Coral![]() |
Striped Skunk![]() |
Swallow-Tailed Kite![]() |
Tree Snail![]() |
Virginia Opossum![]() |
Turkey Oak![]() |
Wax Myrtle![]() |
White Ibis![]() |
White-Tailed Deer![]() |
White-Top Pitcher Plant![]() |
Wiregrass![]() |
Wild Turkey![]() |
Wood Stork![]() |

Invasive/exotic plants and animals create imbalance in the environment. They come from other areas of the world an are introduced to Florida by people, sometimes on accident and sometimes on purpose. These organisms have found ways to survive and spread throughout the state.
Africanized Honey Bee![]() |
Air Potato![]() |
Armored Catfish![]() |
Brazilian Pepper![]() |
Burmese Python![]() |
Channeled Apple Snail![]() |
Chinese Tallow![]() |
Cogongrass![]() |
Coral Ardisia![]() |
Cuban Tree Frog![]() |
Feral Hog![]() |
Green Iguana![]() |
Hydrilla![]() |
Kudzu![]() |
Melaleuca![]() |
Mimosa![]() |
Monk Parakeet![]() |
Nine-Banded Armadillo![]() |
Old World Climbing Fern![]() |
Red-Eared Slider![]() |
Red Fox![]() |
Skunk Vine![]() |
Tropical Soda Apple![]() |
Water Hyacinth![]() |
Wild Taro![]() |
Program Registration
Registration is not required.